Infrastructure reference
๐๏ธ Automated maintenance
These components perform actions in automated ways, either triggered by a specific event or continuously as part of a loop.
๐๏ธ Diagrams
Work in progress. This might not render correctly at all.
๐๏ธ Feedstocks
Most packages in conda-forge come from a repository named -feedstock, but a very small subset comes from specific, non-feedstock, repositories.
๐๏ธ Services & providers
Github resources
๐๏ธ Staged-recipes
This repository is the gateway to conda-forge. This is where users can submit new recipes which, once reviewed and accepted, will generate a new feedstock and team.
๐๏ธ Tooling & data
These components do not necessarily perform automation actions on their own (e.g. they don't change the state of a feedstock or a package).
๐๏ธ Website
The current is a statically generated website published to Github Pages.